Les rondalles mallorquines d’Antoni M. Alcover: un món de fantasia i màgia
Setmana de Mossèn Alcover a la Institució Pública Antoni M. Alcover
Novetat editorial: FF Network 47 (desembre 2015)
Folklore Fellows’ Network núm. 47 (desembre, 2015).
Pekka Hakamies
The essence of folklore and its new life on the webAnne Heimo and Kaarina Koski
Participatory, community and spontaneous archives and digitally born cultural heritageLynne McNeill
‘The internet is weird’: folkloristics in the digital ageNews from the Finnish Literature Society
Anastasiya Astapova
Folklore Fellows’ Summer School 2015: Doing Folkloristics in the Digital AgeChristoph Schmitt
Folklore research at the University of Rostock: The Wossidlo Archive, its development and present situation